@Linda507, Hi,
This is a host community helping hosts, but here's how to contact Airbnb:
When you get an INQUIRY you can only communicate with the potential guest through the messaging page because the software hides all phone nos. or links before a booking is confirmed.
At the top of the page are the options 'Pre-Approve' or 'Decline'
Same applies with Booking REQUESTS (options Accept/Decline), but do know that if you haven't reacted or come to a decision within 24h, the dates will automatically be blocked. So if you can't decide yet, tell the potential guest you'll decline for now to avoid being penalized
All new listings are Instant Book (don't require host acceptance) by default! Best to turn that off until you know how the site and the system works. You can check this by previewing your listing as guest sees it. If it has the little lightening bold beside the price on the right, it's on IB
Some helpful infos:
Hope that helps.