I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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We are new to hosting but have stayed at many airbnb’s.. we have had excellent stays and some that were a little less desirable but always left a good review when the owner wasn’t at fault or did everything to ensure any problem was quickly solved.
Well with our our first guest, we tried to make sure to cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s and have the home in perfect shape.
The stove had a problem on a Friday and within 5 hours we replaced the stove. The water pressure was low and we had a plumber fix the issue within 1.5 hrs of being notified on a Saturday at lunch time. Those are normal. But this lady called me asking for a larger trash can because the one provided was too small, she asked me to buy a spatula because the kitchen was missing a spatula, asked us to buy a grill so she can bbq for her family and said the new stove wasn’t fast good enough, (wasn’t advertised as having a grill but we bought one anyways) complained that our vacuum was old (it’s a shark) .. now it’s Sunday at 9am and she is sending me messages threatening a bad review if I don’t replace all of the mattresses. She sent photos of stains on the mattresses, said she wants new mattresses or her money back or a bad review.
Please let let me know what to do. Should I buy new mattresses?
No, no, no! A new spatula, yes. A new trash can, okay that was nice. But a brand new grill and all new mattresses for one women because she is complaining... do not do it! I would call Airbnb and ask for them to relocate her because she obviously wants more than your listing provides.
Honestly, I would duplicate your listing .... take her bad review ... and then start over from scratch! Do not give into her. I hope all your communication with her is over Airbnb messaging so Airbnb has the proof that she is threatening you with a bad review. That is extortion and against their policies.
I am sorry your first guest is a nightmare. We host for 3 years and were lucky, we never got this type of guest. If we ever get one I would decline the spatula request and I don't believe I would hear from her again. I suggest you do the same if you ever get another needy guest again because first they ask for a small thing and if they get it then they will ask for more and more. I've seen this scenario many times here on CC.
As @Emilia42 said - you offer what is listed and if someone doesn't like it he is free to book elsewhere and leave. Don't ever let them feel your fear of a bad review.
@Thiago190 This person is going to give you a bad review no matter what. But, you shouldn't have mattresses w/stains on them in the airbnb. People do all kinds of nutty things, we've had people take off the mattress pads and put them back on in a different order.
To make you feel better, our first guests asked for: a lock on the bathroom door, a large stock pot, a wok, a second bath mat, all of which we bought for them. When they asked us for a portable bidet....LMAO, we said no and realized that they were going to keep asking for stuff as long as we said yes.
It's too bad you have had bad luck with this first guest and so many issue with the appliances. You might want to do a walk thru after she leaves and see if there are any other issues, you probably want a spatula, the trash can may or may not be too small, that's your judgment, I would no way have bought a grill and you may want to take that back, since grills cause all kinds of trouble w/guests not taking care of them.
ETA...your listing looks brand new and really pretty, I think you just got a bad person who is taking advantage of you, although again, mattresses can't have stains. I would call airbnb and say she's very unhappy, you have tried to please her, but feel she would be happier elsewhere and see if they will move her for you with no penalty. under NO circumstances should you cancel her or ever cancel any guest or approve any guest request for cancellation.
@Mark116 is right. You don't want stained mattresses and once your listing makes you some extra cash you should consider replacing them. You should always have a good waterproof mattress protector. I like these mattress encasements which I order for all my beds on Amazon. They completely zip around the entire mattress to keep out stains, liquids, dust, and bugs. They also hide the mattress so if the guest takes off the mattress pad, they are only seeing the white encasement.
Thanks for this tip.
We just bought 3 of these from the link that you provided!
We sill look into mattress replacement, but it’s almost a losing battle.. we went to the property today to begin cleaning and have come to find out her dog peed on our brand new mattress cover, and it was stained w/ various pee marks, along w/ a stain on couch and on carpet in the foyer. That’s why she noticed a mattress stain, she was attempting to clean her own mattress stain.
Airbnb is still working to handle this case correctly. It’s a huge mess still 😕
@Thiago190 . Move her along. She is playing you and won't stop. This is our "high" season. You will get another booking, and even if you don't, loosing a few nights of AirBNB income is still cheaper than buying more and more stuff for an insufferable, entitled guest.
As an aside, interesting that you are marketing to the Casino crowd. I am even closer than you, and do expect that I will get some casino guests this winter, but am not marketing to this crowd. Is this woman here to visit Encore?
Hi Susan, thanks for your message! I have gotten a couple bookings w/ people interested in the casino. But this guest booked for 32 days to help her daughter settle into a Boston College. A lot of people taking advantage of a spacious renovated place for the most part.. I haven’t had anyone ask about casino, etc. but the highly stay for a room at the casino is $500 per night, so I’m sure we will get some guests who decide to save a few bucks!
In regards to this guest, I would be happy to cut ties with her and have stated that to Airbnb. But she wants a refund for the 2.5 weeks that she already stayed at our home. That I do not think was fair.. hopefully this will be resolved sooner than later but I would be aware of this guest as she informed me she has been renting on Airbnb for 10 years yet hadn’t only 1 review. Unbelievable to say the least. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were con artists out there who have figured out a loop hole to get discounted stays at Airbnb and create new accounts yearly .. wouldn’t outfit past her, it just seemed all too well calculated.
Hi Everyone,
It's me the host who posted on this and I am going to baffle you with what is going on with this guest and AirBnB customer support.
Lucky for me, the case manager said she has handled over 100 cases and says she never has seen a case be so mishandled. I spoke w/ 4 case managers on Sunday and a supervisor sent screenshots of conversations and much more, over 3 hours of back and forth to resolve this issue.
Here is a quick recap. She came up to stay w/ her family of 5 and her dog in my newly renovated condo, she got to be the first to use the bathroom, the kitchen appliances, the new couch, TV, bar stools, new cabinets.. all in all I have $70,000 worth of receipts to show uncle Sam at the end of the year for our renovation project. We put a lot into this, when we decided to do AirBnb.. we went to Jordans for a lot of our furniture (all of the living room furniture and bar stools) and we took a lot of items from our own home, miscellaneous kitchen items, my guestroom bedroom set, my younger brother was moving from a 2 bedroom in Brighton to a 1 bedroom in East Boston and I was able to snag some of his guest bedroom furniture.. it looks amazing, we put a lot of love into this, and we aren't ones to try getting the cheapest items just to make it apear nice.. everything is actually nice. It would be difficult for anyone to go into that home and find things to complain about.. but our very first booking, our very first guest was a 32 day guest.. and she found plenty to complain about.
When I first met the guest she told me the home was beautiful and that she had been using AirBnB for 10 years and was one of the pioneers, used it before it even became popular. But what I found strange was that she didnt have any reviews on her profile (since checking in, now she has one from June 2019).
Within 2 days of being there, she noticed my stove was not functioning properly, a new stove (I purchased it from an open box sale but I got to peel the stickers off of it still). The stove technicians said that the stove was sold for homes w/ liquid propane orifices but my home is set up for Natural Gas.. the company would not accept a return for the stove and did not have the part in stock to convert the orifices back to Natural Gas, they told me I needed to wait 4-6 weeks as it was a backorder item. Without thinking twice, I started looking for a new stove, I found a high-end GE Stove (it was used but in great condition) and we bought it took it home and spent 3 hours cleaning it inside and out to make sure we are providing a high-quality item to the guest and meet her expectations. Within 5 - 7 hours of being notified of the problem we had the new stove installed. She then asked me for a vacuum since it was a long stay, I have a shark with the clear holding tank that needs to be emptied out when full.. I provided it to her and she told me it was filthy and she would just go buy a Swiffer (my wife took that vacuum apart and washed it by hand part by part 30 days before listing this property, after the renovation was finished - it wasn't dirty). She then complained that the AC provided (a huge AC in the living room) wasn't cooling down the bedrooms, I spent a couple of nights there and that AC is capable of cooling down this 1100 sq ft home easily, but we went and bought 3 stand up fans, one for each bedroom. Then she said she found our iron but no ironing board.. I usually just iron on my bed or on a countertop or table, but I went and bought an Ironing board. Then she said our trash can was too small for a family that large, I went to Target and bought a big stainless steel trash can. On a Saturday morning she sent me a message at 10:59am saying that the water pressure was low in the kitchen sink and shower, I asked her if the pressure was low in the toilet or anywhere else and she said she couldn't look for me.. so I had a plumber there within 30 minutes and the problem solved by 12:35pm (1.5 hrs only).
So here was the final straw... on Sunday morning.. 2.5 weeks into her stay.. at 9am she decided to wash her bedsheets. She pulled off a bedsheet on noticed a stain on the mattress.. she sent me a message saying this in unacceptable and that she had been patient with us so far but this is too much.. She then went on to check all 4 mattresses and told me I needed to replace 3 of the 4 mattresses or she wanted her money back. She said that she paid too much money to stay at my place for me to cover "filth" with bedsheets. These are mattresses from my house, one was manufactured in 2014 and I didn't see the others dates but I told her that this I couldn't do. The mattresses were all washed and cleaned and we had a brand new mattress cover on one of the mattresses (that she also took off to look under). I offered to buy 3 new mattress covers but I wasnt going to be able to go to sleepys on Sunday morning and buy 3 new mattresses so she called Airbnb... they offered her 100% refund on the nights she would no longer stay there plus 50% off the nights that she did stay there...... ?????
So I spoke to 3 case managers and one supervisor on Sunday.. over 3 hours of phone conversations and re-explaining everything multiple times to different case managers. By the end of Sunday all case managers and supervisors had agreed that we did everything in our power to ensure a comfortable stay and I was extremely responsive and helpful.. also that Airbnb hosts do not need to replace a mattress every time there is a stain in it, that it is ok to purchase mattress covers and that what happened here is a common case of regular wear. So they informed me that I would refund the nights she no longer will be with us but we earned the right to get paid for the nights she did stay at our home. We thought wow, Airbnb handles this well, heard both sides and made a decision based on our efforts dedication and a problem that is unforeseeable and unavoidable..
Well, it didn't end. It is not Monday, July 29th and I received a message first thing this morning from a new case manager that I never spoke with, by the name of Alexandria, she said that she is the new case manager and that she had decided in favor of the guest and that she would go ahead and process the refund for 50% off the nights that she stayed with us.. Alexandria never called me or my wife, never spoke with us and decided to make a decision without consulting anyone who was handling our case less than 24 hours before that. Well again I got on the phone tried for the life of me to speak with Alexandria,, she wouldnt answer my requests and never called me back then Airbnb assigned a new case manager with me who again saw photos, messages, and agreed that we did everything to ensure a great experience and told me that I shouldnt have to give a 50% refund on the nights stayed.. Well during my new case managers lunch break a refund was processed for 100% of the nights not occupied and 50% off the nights they did occupy.. without the notification of me or the new case manager.
I am still in the middle of this battle, I am hoping that Airbnb will make the right deicision here. The guest will not close out/ cancel out her stay until she is refunded for 50% of the nights stayed.. right now my first host experience has been a nightmare.. my next two weeks are still blocked and a refund for $3500 out of $4600 I received is being processed. We went to the house today as she informed us of her check out yesterday to find that our brand new mattress cover had dog pee on it.. likely this is the reason she was taking it off, was to wash it. She took our American flag key chain and left only loose keys. We found pee spots on our carpets and brand new jordans furniture couch... We are really getting the short end of the staff here.
I am going to remain positive, there are good people working at AirBnb, there is a lot more good to come of this than bad.. but I want to share this with everyone on here as I think this is absurd and may be helpful for other hosts.
Sorry for such a long message, its been a long day and last couple of days.
@Thiago190 I doubt that airbnb will fix the problem and get you back the other 50%. I would also advise you that airbnb will see things like buying fans as an admission of guilt that the house is not cool enough, buying a new trash can that the first one was not large enough, etc.
I would give this person the review they deserve, and I am sure you are going to get a one star review from this awful woman. I would also consider limiting stays to something like 7-10 days until you are a little more experienced.
If you havent' already sent the evidence on dog pee to airbnb, definitely do that as soon as you can, but I would honestly not hold out much hope that they will reimburse you, they should open up the dates that have now been refunded and cancelled though, immediately
Thank you. I understand what you mean about admission of guilt, we are facing some of the worst heat waves Boston has seen in many years with a few days “feels like” temperate up to 110 w/ humidity. This happens so rarely but I still felt like I would be helping what I waddling is being a good host by buying extra fans and a larger trash can. Certainly never thought we had problems with it being too hot in the first floor condo.
Either way, I am told that she won’t cancel the dates until she is refunded and she was able to get 1 case manager on her side.. this case manager hasn’t even spoken to me.. the 4 case managers and 1 supervisor who spoke with me wrote in the Airbnb support feed that they were deciding in our favor, and that she should pay for the days that she stayed at our home in full.. but one case manager this morning took over the case, processed the refund, and won’t speak to me or to the case manager who was helping me. This is becoming a big internal problem and it’s all documented in writing.
Cheers to the first booking, hey!?
@Thiago190 I thought that airbnb already refunded her the dates that she's not staying? I would call airbnb, maybe open a separate case and tell them that the woman has been impossible to please, she has done nothing but complain and make demands despite your efforts to please her, AND has damaged items, and that you are uncomfortable with her remaining in the unit, ask them to cancel her with no penalty to you. Maybe they will do this.
This will at least get her out and free up the remaining time.
The problem about caving in to guest demands is how airbnb views things, and it also encourages that kind of person to keep asking for more stuff. Although it is unfortunate about the stove which may have set the tone for the whole stay.
Hi Mark,
she checked out yesterday but not through the app. Myself and Airbnb are in agreement to refund her for the remaining 2 weeks, but not the dates that she stayed in our home. She is demanding 50% off the nights in which she stayed there. I don’t agree with that, 4 case managers and a supervisor at Airbnb also do not agree that she is entitled to any refund. I shared conversations, photos, they saw that I responded to everything and met all host requirements. Airbnb even said that stains are normal wear and unavoidable and they can’t expect hosts to buy new mattresses anytime an accident happens on a mattress.
I had had no choice with the stove, as much as I wanted to say no, the stove did have a manufacture issue. It was the 2nd day of a 32 day stay, didn’t want to start off on a bad note but I definitely learned a valuable lesson here.
Okay but if she is gone out of the property then the dates should be available, and if not because she didn't cancel on the app, then airbnb needs to cancel it for you so the dates are open, unless I'm not understanding something else going on here.
@Thiago190 Hi Yvonna (cohost) here. Her full name and this story need to be brought to the Facebook blacklist group. Pleas join immediately and there is a searchable data base for bad guests there. Of course ultimately it is up to you to decide if you want to give people another chance. I feel terrible for you btw.