Incorrect pricing forever...

Level 2
Sydney, Australia

Incorrect pricing forever...

Hi all, price on my coverpage for one of my listings is showing as $16 a night! I have pricing set to only to be available 6 months in advance. If I look beyond 12 months the price is appearing as a combination of $16 and $25 a night! Our rates start at $185! These crazy rates continue on for years...


I believe this may have been caused by using pricelabs which has applied these rates until the end of time. Does anyone know a way to resolve this so that the price isn't displayed as $16? I don't really want to have to re-do pricing until the end of time if there is a way to avoid this. I was going to contact Airbnb but can find no way to do so.


Thanks, Craig

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


turn off "smart pricing" and check your "base price" 

if the problem still persist contact Airbnb , here is how

Level 2
Lima Region, Peru

Hi!, did Airbnb solve your problem? The same thing happened to me.