Is AIRBNB turning Glowing 5Star Ratings into 4Star Ratings?

Is AIRBNB turning Glowing 5Star Ratings into 4Star Ratings?

So for the second time recently I have had an Overall Rating of 4 Stars, where I had confirmation from the guest that this was not their intention – and just reading the reviews, common sense would suggest the same. I complained about the most recent one. Yet Airbnb say they 'will not remove the review'. I never asked them to remove it! I just want them to give me the review/rating I earned.


I know my overall average is not low. However, it is a problem with the 5-or-fail mentality Airbnb has created. I don't have a high volume of guests. Just a few added lower ratings keeps my rating artificially lower than most other nice properties in the area – all with Superhost and always booked, even when their price is higher. I understand that many of the other properties ar long/longer-standing so I have to wait my turn, but feel this makes it unfairly difficult to compete and decreases my number of bookings drastically by comparison.


On the most recent I had {5x5 stars + 1x4stars in the 6 subcategories} + glowing public (and even more glowing private) reviews + glowing 'compliments area... Yet Airbnb customer service says that the average of 5x 5stars plus 1x 4 star equals 4 stars overall!

     - when did they stop asking guests what their overall score/opinion was?

     - regardless, how does 1x 4 star change an otherwise flawless review into 4 stars?


I had in writing from the guest that they did not get asked a question about Overall Rating, but that the only 4 star they gave was on location, which they explained in their written notes and I accept as fair (and regardless, it was their opinion and what they did intend to show in the review).



airbnb 14star in 6 equal 4 star rating.jpg



This was one of my more appreciative guests and best reviews in terms of complete positive feedback all round. This has soured a great experience for both guests and host and I've likely lost the potential repeat bookings. They did their job, it's not their problem, but decided it was worth asking them to make sense of the matter, since I've had this and various other issues with ratings recently that I believe are down to Airbnb and not guests .


(I asked the guest tactfully and they responded kindly, apologising if they had caused me trouble – bless them ;'(. But, even if they seemed not to mind my query, what guest wants to be hassled about an Airbnb host's ratings issues after a trip when they've already made every effort to reward the host with a great review – no matter how understanding a person they are? )


I've been to many not-so-cheap, but bare-bones, low service type properties with 4.8-5.0 average ratings and clearly hundreds of stays. (I am not trying to cast aspersions on anyone if that's the style of accommodation they offer....  I believe most hosts work very hard and care a lot regardless of property type, but it's just a plain truth that there is a difference in costs and time between the different styles of properties and hosting.)


What I am saying it is hard enough suffering nitpicky reviews from guests who get a lot for a little and then grade like they are judging for the Olympics when the review comes – without somehow getting downgraded by the Airbnb system when this was not the guest's intention. )


So fed up with this and a number of other issues where Airbnb fails hosts when we make aa great effort in both our accommodation and service



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