Is it normal for the picture to be of the spouse?

Level 2
Glen Ellyn, IL

Is it normal for the picture to be of the spouse?

Hello Hosts,


I just got a booking showing a pretty young gal with her name stating that she will be staying for 5 days.  Then I got a message indicating that her husband would be coming.  Is this normal that the person staying is not picture and someone else's (even though it is a spouse) information is there but nothing about the guest staying?


I am new and found this not quite right.


Thank you in advance for your help,


5 Replies 5

Most accounts are registered in a sole person's name. A guest will register an account in their name and post a picture of themselves then book a place to stay.  Many times we do not know the spouse's name unless the guest includes it in the booking message to us. We normally write a welcome note to the guest and have to guess as to how to write the salutation since we have no idea the name of the spouse.


On the reverse, if the person who is staying is not the person who is registered then you have the option, and right, to decline their request. In order to comply with Airbnb policy the registered guest must be present. In the case of a spouse you could ask that the spouse's name be added to the account.

Level 2
Cyberjaya, Malaysia

Hi, I have been received a request which mentioned she and her sister will be stayed in, end up only her sister was came. I think this is common and will on and off happened thru AirBnb. If you do not wish to have surprise, it would be nice that you spell it out at your house rule. This may help. 🙂

Level 1
Mumbai, India

Well ,i use Airbnb for travelling abroad for our Organisation

Many times , i am not travelling.I book a place for my colleagues

I think it is fine

( i have converted my personal account ,into a Company account)

I think this is not an ideal situation. As a home owner who lists my property on AirBNB, I am making my decision to rent my home based on the reputation and credentials of the person who is actually suppossed to be booking and staying at the property. If you are "fronting" the reservation for someone else you run 2 risks:


1. The person that you are posing for is not trustworthy and they tarnish your reputaton. If they break the house rules or act in a manner inconsistent with the expectations of the house rules, you will be the one we will seek compensation from and you will be the one to get a poor review and possibly - kicked off of AirBNB for violating the terms and agreements of the service - not your friend. And your defense that "it wasn't me", simply won't cut it. 


2. This violates the trust of the system that AirBNB sets up - by asking identities to be verified and reviews to be written, we are suppossed to be able to trust these things. When you represent for someone else, you are impuning this trust.


Honestly, if I found out the person renting my home was NOT the person who booked it, they would be asked/forced to leave and you would be liable for the payment in full.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

It's not unusual for couples to have a joint account - we have. Although I would expect to see a photo of both of them on the profile. If she is just booking on his behalf then I would ask her to upload a photo, just so that you know who is coming and you can recognise him when he arrives. Technically it is a 3rd party booking if she is not staying - and this would be against AirBnB policy - but it is not uncommon.