Is it possible to ask to the guests about their experiences with their hosts?

Is it possible to ask to the guests about their experiences with their hosts?

I think it is not possible to ask to guests about their experiences, we can only see their comments. 


It would be a great option. It would be much helpful to be able to contact those persons that posted a comment after their visit, than just reading a comment in which we usually don´t describe all aspects of an accommodation, and even if we liked the host we don´t really say all the wrong things that we found.


I think that by contacting directly a guest after their visit we would be much better and real information about the accomodation than only asking to the host. It would increase the trust to Airbnb accommodations and the quality of our stays. It is quite unpleasant when we arrive to a place and it is not exactly what was said in the comments or by the host.


32 Replies 32

Guests can contact hosts..why should not be allowed legally to contact guests?


It has become legal to be able to go to a particular house and give money for that...(airbnb), is it gonna be illegal to send a message to a guest? 🙂

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


you asked why are we against it. I'll tell you why. Hosts are already under too much pressure with the review system and ratings as they are now. Airbnb missimpretate the whole thing to the guests - it misleads guests by telling them how 1* =much worse than expected, 2*= worse than expected, 3* = as expected, 4*= better than expected and 5*= much better than expected,,, while in reality everything bellow 5* is bad and hosts are penalized. And guests are using the rating system for blackmail and retaliation and Airbnb doesn't care if the host's business is ruined. That's how it works.


this platform is full of glitches and it changes on a daily basis which makes our work very complicated. And, every new "improvement" is done to work against small hosts and in favor of guests, hotels and of course Airbnb corporation.


we are against your idea as it would cause even more stress to the hosts. We have enough stress already, believe me, and barely keep up with constant changes on this platform. And because there are other, more important features which we need, want and ask for, but Airbnb ignores us.



But, I am curious... why do you book places with up to 10 reviews max? Why don't you filter Superhosts? Or choose hosts with many good reviews? Do you book only very cheap accommodations? If so then no wonder your experience isn't great, everything comes with a price... and of course, some people are more picky and needy than others.

It would be a system to communicate among guests, you wouldn´t need to do anything.


It would not cause any stress to those hosts that are honest in what they say and keep their places clean in the right condition. Guests should be more aware of those who doesn´t do the things properly.