Is there a way to communicate with a potential guest other than e-mail?

Level 1
Apollo Beach, FL

Is there a way to communicate with a potential guest other than e-mail?

I have an inquiry from a potential guest who would like to talk but I'm unable to send or receive phone numbers (number hidden) through the Airbnb site. Any suggestions?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

This is to keep everyone safe.

As soon as a booking is made, the phone numbers will be displayed. 

Level 10
Suzhou, China

If Airbnb allowed you to communicate outside of their platform, how do they generate revenue? Think about it: if every host and guest made alternative arrangements, they'd be cutting side deals left, right and center.

They have algorithms to prevent the very behaviour you are trying to find a work-around for! 😉

Thanks for the insight...

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Indeed, all of the above! 😉


And it's also for your own safety: if something goes wrong, you will have proof very easily through the exchanged messages on the platform. I would not engage too much outside the messaging before a check-in, let alone before a booking! Probably your main reason is to avoid fees for host/guests, so Airbnb is quite right in their position to make that as hard as they possibly can!


Have fun hosting!