I have had issues off and on since August now with my listings. My listing appears in the searches, but for some reason, my booking ratio began to decline significantly. I then entered certain dates.. not all but very random dates, as an example for one of my listing it is available all next week, but when I search it under those dates as a traveler it is not available, yet the rest of the dates that are unbooked, do show up. It is not as if my listing is not showing, it just does not show for certain dates. It is nothing, I am doing wrong and Airbnb verified this is an ongoing problem. I have waited for over a week now and this has yet to be fixed. I have been told the same story from customer support stating the tech is aware of the issue, it is ongoing, but no solutions have been offered!! I am paying them to list my properties.. and well they are not showing listed on random dates and it is very disappointing, and more to the point they are costing me a lot of potential income due to their inadequacies. There should be some consequences on Airbnb part, when our arrangement is to list my property for all available dates, and they are not doing that. Yet , there has been zero cupability . I would like to hear from others that experience this and have you had any luck in getting this "ongoing" issue resolved.