I am brand new at being an airbnb host and I got my first booking for time in June. I want to now decrease how far ahead people can book (I did the suggeseted 6 months) because I feel like I need to think about dates of festivals and other events where I might increase the price. If I pull my calendar back to before the booking in June-so 3 months from now, in other words middle of May-would that mess up the reservation that has been booked for middle of June? Thanks for your help! I thought since there was a chat feature to help me sign up to list my place that there would be a chat option to help me through my beginning questions but guess not so thanks for any help!.
Excisting reservations will no be affected if you change your booking window.
(it's best to set the booking window instead of manually block dates on the calender, as the booking window will make dates automatically available when time progresses, so you can't forget it)