Low listing appeal

Level 1
Mumbai, India

Low listing appeal


3 Replies 3

@Gurukrupa0, there should be something on or near the "Low Listing Appeal" that gives you more details about why AirBnB things there is "Low Listing Appeal". Look for an exclamation point in a circle, or something like that.

If you are getting the "Low Listing Appeal" there is something specific AirBnB wants you to fix; you need to see what it is.


Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Gurukrupa0 I've had this appear on the preview of my listing.  I can only guess that the reason is that I have 100's of views yet a low booking percentage.  I think the reason is that, while guests love the looks of the place, they decide to go elsewhere because I do not offer WiFi and the location is rather remote.  I purposefully highlight these so guests are aware.  


Once I clicked on the Low Listing Appeal wording, it went away.  Rest assured your guests don't see this. 


Oh, and by the way, I am a Super Host.  🙂

Level 1
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I think its a way they are trying to get everyone to use instant book.