Managing Guest's Expectations

Level 1
Pershore, United Kingdom

Managing Guest's Expectations



I have not been on Airbnb for a year and a half and have been a superhost for over a year.  Over the past month I still receive great feedback but keep on getting 4 star ratings even though the guests state there is nothing that I could change.  All I can think of is people are arriving with unrealistic expectations due to previous feedback.  Has anyone encountered this and how do you manage this?  I have actually constantly worked on improving the guest experience so the house is definitely better now than it was a few months and a year ago!  Very frustrated!!!




15 Replies 15
Level 1
Cardiff, United Kingdom

Same for me, it's frustrating. Good to know I'm not alone though.

Level 10
Lincoln, United Kingdom

Hi Tania, I just looked at your listing and it looks lovely.  Your description appears accurate and your reviews overall are 5*.  It would appear that you have a slightly lower rating for location but this is ridiculous.  The same has happened to me and it is frustrating because we clearly state where we are and how far we from the local attractions etc.  If guests bother to read our description and then still book it is beyond me how they can then say the location was not quite what was expected.  Nevertheless, we are superhosts and do our best to give guests the best experience possible.  I agree that some people expect more than is possible (they should probably stay in a hotel) and others just don't give 5* for anything.


All we can do is to continue what we are doing.  I don't think you are doing anything wrong.  As the saying goes 'you can't please everybody, all of the time'


Happy hosting.

Level 10
Como, CO

Remember in the real world 4* is pretty good.


You can not expect all your guests to live in the ABB bubble.



Same thing happening to me.
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hello !

I had a similar experience to you; a year and a half ago I had a very simple offer (I hadn't even sorted hooks on the doors or a bedside table!) but constantly got 5 star reviews. A year into hosting, after being superhost for 3 of 4 quarters, I started getting consistent four star reviews, and then one 3 star. It was really disheartening as I have consistently improved the listing and could not explain the change in reviews. Eventually after so many four stars I dropped superhost and am now pretty far away from it. Weirdly the 5 star reviews have recently started to return. What changed? I can only say the guests did.
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You don't say - have you actually asked your guests ?

This is the best way to understand why they give you a lower rating.


For some they don't like giving five star, or there might be issues.


Location is a hard one. I have now altered my decription to emphasise I am in an inner city area which seems to have helped.


Good luck.



Level 1
Pershore, United Kingdom

Thanks everyone, I have asked guests for their reasons and apart from the people who have giving ludicrous reasons (the moaners of this world) people say they wouldn't change a thing.


I shall now look forward to no longer being a superhost and manage my expectations of guests, as long as they keep on coming and paying!


Great to chat,


Great outlook, Tania! You are a forward thinker for sure. Although the situation you describe is perplexing, in the long run it boils down to what you said: " long as they keep on coming and paying!"

It's clear you are a careful, concerned host. And that is one of the most important things we give our guests. Super host status is really a designation for us hosts to feel good about all the work we put into this endeavor. The public out there just cares what their experience is like in our airbnbs, eh? not if we are a super host.


I think people's expectations are higher. When Airbnb started it was a new thrill to share a home with a local, people appreciated it and many who couldn't afford to travel because of hotels costs could now do so and still have money to spend.  But now people see reality stars staying at an airbnb and their expectations soar.  I always say to new Airbnber's words to the effect that this is not a hotel, please read the full description and amenities offered and ask any questions. Not foolproof, but it does seem to work quite well in managing expectations.





Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Superhost elevates expectations, as guests do not know what it really means. Some ask me ''So you are a Superhost?'' with puppydog eyes, not sure what they expect really. I tell them ''Oh it just means you haven't cancelled a booking in 12 months, and you follow the rules.'' Some years ago I won a national award for my last accommodation and I initially posted it on my website but pretty quickly I dropped it as guests were now becoming UNHAPPY instead of thrilled, which was how it used to be.

Don't worry about it! It is becoming invisible in searches anyway, for some users. Will it spread? I don't know but it looks like this now when you search:


Hi Tania,


My wife and I have given 4 stars when we were airbnb guests, to the location rating.  Although we knew the location, and were just fine with it, it seemed like a bad neighborhood once we actually got there.  Maybe we should have discussed the location with our family, but it was within walking distance, so we figured all was just fine! We enjoyed our stay and the place was great. We are from Chicago, not the Bronx, NYC, so we are aware of tough neighborhoods. We just didn't expect what we arrived to.


and don't forget- we didn't get the actual address until we already booked it, and were "stuck" so to stay with this hosts cancellation policy.



I actually don't understand your point; yes you don't get the actual address until you book, but Airbnb always indicates the neighbourhood your host is based in. Did you not look at that in advance of your booking ?
Level 1
Pershore, United Kingdom

Thanks everyone, your comments are much appreciated!

Level 1
Wembley, Australia

Same! Very little thing which travellers request I have honoured and changed! Even before they check out I'm like did you have a good stay? Is there anything I could have done better and then they say nothing and mark me 4 stars. Just today I have located a long term tenant so going to give up on Airbnb. Too stressful!!