I have 4 people staying with me at the moment and it would appear that they have gone through the house with a fine toothcomb. I have already provided 6 brand new mattresses for 4 people within 48 hours of their demand. There is a whole list of imperfections which they have noted, which interestingly have not been mentioned by guests previously and the house was full over April and May. The house is 150 years old and is advertised as a traditional house of the area but it has been done over with all modern conveniences..............imposssible to change some aspects of a traditional home!)
(small amount of paint missing behind a bath tap/ some grouting missing in the shower drain/want more outside furniture and a BBQ. ( we have never had anyone asking for a BBQ in over 5 years). Want a new mop/new vacuum bag/new bathroom brushes etc...etc.....) it goes on and on and it's drving my poor housekeeper nuts.
In the beginning I advised the guests that if they were not happy then of course they are free to leave and I would give them a full refund.................but they did not want to do so and instead came up with another list of demands.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to treat these people and risk a bad revue despite having bent over backwards to give them what they want??