Mr rating

Level 2
Hereford, United Kingdom

Mr rating




Can someone help me with this?  I had an overall rating of 4 stars on this booking and yet every category was rated as 5 stars.



Why would I have a 4 star overall rating when all of the categories were rated as 5 star?  Thank youWhy would I have a 4 star overall rating when all of the categories were rated as 5 star? Thank you

2 Replies 2



You had an overall rating of 4 stars because your guest chose to give you 4 stars.  


The overall rating isnt an average of the is scored separately.


This happens to many hosts. Maybe you chould ask your guest why they gave you 5 on everything but 4 overall. Ask for some feedback.



Level 2
Hereford, United Kingdom

Thank you MIke

thats helpful - I hadnt had that before so wasnt sure

