Multiple listings on the same property

Level 1
Greenough, Australia

Multiple listings on the same property

Hi fellow AirBNB hosts,

We have tried numerous times to ask this question via the 'normal' channels but do not have an acceptable answer.

We have a property with three cottages available through AirBNB. 

It seems that the 'middle' of the three is the only one that shows up on the map of the area.

We are a 'super hosts' so its our understanding that we should have 'increased visibility'

Is anyone else in a similar situation that can advise?


Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You have 2 (not three) active listings and they are both in the search system,. Only 1 spot is showed on the map, because your setting in the listings is "show specific location", and they are at exact the same place.. If you choose "avarage location" they probaly will show both on the map:

Best regards,


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2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You have 2 (not three) active listings and they are both in the search system,. Only 1 spot is showed on the map, because your setting in the listings is "show specific location", and they are at exact the same place.. If you choose "avarage location" they probaly will show both on the map:

Best regards,


Level 1
Greenough, Australia

Hi Emeil,

Thank you so much, I have now updated it correctly. The 3rd cottage is taken at the moment so not showing at all.  This has caused us issues for a long time, so now feeling better. thanks! 🙂