My guest has cancelled within 15mins of booking.

Level 1
Mullumbimby, Australia

My guest has cancelled within 15mins of booking.

My guest booked our place but has cancelled within 15mins as his wife informed him that she has booked something else. I have responed to my guest. I cannot decline as the reasons do not reflect what has occured. Any suggestions as I have received another message from ABNB.


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

@Lisa0, what would you have to decline? They already cancelled.


Do you mean you recieved a "Guest requests that you cancel" message? If so, DO NOT click "cancel" because it will become a host-cancellation and YOU (host) will be punished - click "keep reservation". If you don't respond either way, it will automatically become a host cancellation as well.


Guests do not need agreement/approval/confirmation of any kind to cancel a reservation. Sending that message is a loophole provided by Airbnb to guests that basically TRICK hosts into assuming responsibility for the cancellation.