My guest tells me he is paranoid of Airbnb...

Level 2
Waynesboro, GA

My guest tells me he is paranoid of Airbnb...

Wheh I confirmed the reservation with my guest, I didn't tell him that I initially had plans to go out-of-town for at least two of the days during his stay. However, after about a week of his being here, I felt more comfortable and decided to inform him and somehow made it work out.  Well since my trip is approaching, I chose to remind him through the Airbnb thread for documentation. Soon afterwards, he freaked out via Airbnb messaging saying, " Why are you saying this on social media?"  I wasn't sure what was he was talking about so I replied to him by saying, "I am not sure what you are referring to...Airbnb is not social media but instead a hospitality business." I continued by telling him that the transactions between the two of us are seen only by Airbnb. 


Well, he wasn't convinced. You see he knows nothing about Airbnb as he states it was his son who made the reservation for him and he states he has been paranoid ever since. When I asked him what scares him, he admitted that Airbnb scares him because they have his credit card and he doesn't use his cards for anything. I tried to reasssure him as best i could that most businesses don't take cash.  


He said he didn't think he wants to continue on. So my suggestion to him, since he is that insecure, is to do what he thinks is best for him.  I thanked him for being honest and that if he decides not to complete his reservation that would be fine by me and that my feelings would not be hurt. However, I wanted him to know that no monies will ever exchange through the two of us.  He said he wasn't aware.  So I thought I should tell him as I did not want to be harassed about refunds or money as all transactions are handled through Airbnb. Additionally, I suggested that he educate himself and become familiar with how everything transpires...but he's not the least bit interested. I do believe he may cancel way before his reservation ends. He has two more weeks left on a 29-day reservation.  However, the choice is totally up to him.


Yes, I had posted an earlier comment regarding something else...but this is an unexpected turn...He is considering a hotel or extended stay. Regardless of what he decides to do, as I had stated earlier, most businesses prefer credit cards over cash. It is his perogative and wish him well.


Thank you for your time,





3 Replies 3
Level 9
Calgary, Canada

@Victoria789 , I may have missed it, but is there a question in there somewhere that we can help you with?

@Corliss2,I  think he wants to cancel  but does not know how to go about it...because I believe  it has something to do with his fear of credit cards and the fact that he feels he has no control...However, he does have a choice.  Still,  I am not encouraging him to cancel...that is up to him...Do I ask him just to be sure or just let it be?

Level 2
Waynesboro, GA

@Corliss2  Hi. No,  there isn't a question. I am just making  a comment regarding my conversation with my guest...please accept my apology if I inferred that I wanted a response.. However, when I think back to my first posting regarding this guest, I wonder could this be just an excuse....Idk. However, whatever he decides is ok with me. Thank you for caring and wanting to help.