My guests are checking out early can I rent twice?

Level 2
New York, NY

My guests are checking out early can I rent twice?

My guests are checking out early because they found an apartment in the city I'm in...they don't want a refund but I will be leaving town the same day they are checking out; I would like to rent it out again while I'm away (so getting 2x money for those days) this possible?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The dates are blocked for the current reservation. You can change the reservation (shorten it), then remaining dates will be free, but also current guest will be refunded for unused stay. It's one or the other....just being greedy won't work.

Best regards,


Ok thanks for your help, don't choke on your self-righteousness...

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Note to guest:

"If you cancel and open up the days in my calendar,   I can provide a partial refund if the days are booked by someone else."