My listing is not showing up in a search

Level 1
Southington, CT

My listing is not showing up in a search

My colleague has tried to search our listing on two different computers and indicates that our listing does not show up for east haddam.  When I search it on my computers it does.  


We are not getting any inquiries and he thinks it is because noone can see our listing.  


Any thoughts on what could be the problem


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

When I typed "East Haddam" into the search of Airbnb and then scrolled the map (pressed + once), I got yours on the first page, @Joanne176. I'm not sure what you mean.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Joanne176 ,

I also searched for East Haddam and when moving on the map eastwards, i see your listing just above "Devil's Hoppyark State Park". So like @Marzena4 allready says:  it is there. Did you have a look at your statistics pages to see the amount of recent views ?

Best regards,Emiel