My listing is not showing up in search results

Level 2
Seattle, WA

My listing is not showing up in search results

It's weird, I have an AirBNB [personal information hidden] in Seattle, and I have bookings for October, but not many (after September was booked end-to-end except for a couple days).


Partly this is just that not as many people come to Seattle in October, I'm sure.  But when I log out of AirBNB, and I try to look my listing up by looking for it on the map after doing a search, it just doesn't show up, even when I pick days that I know I'm not booked for. 


Is this a known problem?  Or do I have something turned on or off that I shouldn't that is making me not show up?  I'm sad that I might have fewer bookings because people just aren't seeing my place!


I've double-checked to make sure that I use the minimum nights for a stay (2), and I'm an instant-book property, so I know it's not one of those two items.

3 Replies 3

I was able to locate your property using a map search.


Go to your admin, click on manage your property and then click the Booking Settings link. Scroll down to Guest Requirements and click the edit box. Make sure the only think that is checked is the first requirement of Airbnb Standard Requirments. If anything else is marked then it requires the potential guest to be both logged in and meet those requirements to view your home. This is the  most common reason people cannot find their home after logging out.


Thanks so much, Tim and Holly!


It's still a little weird -- I only have minimum requirements on, and I haven't changed that since I started the listing in August.  But today I can find myself on a map search.  Maybe I tweaked something else without realizing it?


Anyway, hopefully I'm showing to everyone now.



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Kira21,


Welcome to the Community Center!


It's great to see you around here and I thought I'd be able to give you some useful tips although @Tim-and-Holly0 have given excellent advice already 🙂 


There are a couple of great Community Help Guides created by other hosts that may be useful for you. The Guide 'Why can't I see my listing in the search results'  gives some possible reasons why you might not be able to see your listing in search. This Guide gives tips on how to improve your listing to get more bookings.


There is also an Airbnb Help Guide which explains how search results are determined.


I hope this helps! 





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