New categories

Level 1
Barnstaple, United Kingdom

New categories

How do I find out which category my Airbnb is listed in?

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Go to your personal URL to the search system:


Click on "guests" and add 1 Adult

Click Search button


Categories are listed.

Choose a category to see if your listing still shows up (or not: "no results)

View Top Answer in original post

7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Rachel1500 apparently you pick a category, zoom in the map to your location and see if you appear or not. Only Airbnb could come up with such a clunky plan. Even if they don't want people to choose their own category surely they could add the AI determined category to the listing.

Level 4
Asheville, NC

Even if a listing fits into a certain category, it won't necessarily appear in that category.  I'm not sure what the criteria is, I'm hearing different things, but it's something that organized internally by Airbnb.  Hosts do not have control over where they will be featured.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Katie88 A computer decides the category so I am afraid neither hosts nor Airbnb have any control over categories. From the errors seen so far it appears Airbnb need a bigger, smarter computer.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Go to your personal URL to the search system:


Click on "guests" and add 1 Adult

Click Search button


Categories are listed.

Choose a category to see if your listing still shows up (or not: "no results)

Level 3
Quesnel, Canada

I have been hosting for 8 years  and dozens of dozens of times I have cursed Airbnb's systems people as being stupid F's who have no clue about how things operate in the real world. The counter-effective review process  has always been my biggest beef; over the years  I have seen many excellent suggestions here from the Community but corporate seems too dim-witted to recognize that the process they have stuck with FOREVER works for neither guests or hosts.


However, the summer 2022 rollout seems to be the stupidest of all the stupid ideas  they have come up with. What % of travellers leads with category (treehouse???) before  destination? I had a friend pretend to look for us and she gave up long before getting any real information. I tried to find myself and couldn't until I dived far deeper into search criteria than most of my guests have ever done or will ever do.


I am lucky that I do not depend on Airbnb income and that at least half of my guests are repeats or staycationers who book privately.  I commiserate with you who NEED Airbnb. Sorry, they will never side with those who make it possible for them to do nearly nothing and get paid for that.


I will wait for the cycle.

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

I live on my own in a thee bedroom apartment and let out one room and a bathroom to guests at weekends. I am amazed that in order to be categorised as a "room" I have to remove all mention of the fact I provide a free breakfast (or a cooked breakfast for £10). My guests appreciate this facility - I appeared n Masterchef and I love cooking. This rule seems absurd (and yes I have checked with airbnb and was told to remove all mention of breakfast.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Adrian2250 This feels like duff advice from Customer Support. As long as the guest still gets access to the shared  kitchen and living areas surely you can still be a 'room'