Hi... we have three properties we'd like to list. Cabin, farm house, and double wide. Cabin we listed in June. It's going well. We'd like to add the other two. They are all on the same property but cabin is a separate driveway and is separated by woods and pasture. The house and double wide are on the main property area...55 acres. Same driveway. About half a football field away from each other. Do i list them separately or together? People need to know if they have a large group they can get two or all three Properties. But if they're just getting one... they need to know it's possible someone could be in the other house. Any thoughts? Suggestions from you all who have been at this longer than me?
If it is possile for you, i sse that you could make them separated and shared. 3 separated listings +1 listing shares all of them, , which gives 4 listings.
About the shared listing, you could write that it contains Cabin, farm house, and double wide in description.