No govenment ID?

Level 3
Chicago, IL

No govenment ID?

Why does the platform not automatically request a valid ID for new guests? And they allow them to book with out it and also without a profile picture. If it is in their terms that a valid picture should be uploaded they should do that automatically instead of asking the hosts to request the guests to do so. That makes us look like we are being picky and does not establish a great first impression risking the posibility of not getting a 5 star review...

Hope Airbnb addresses this, they were quick to remove the profile pics prior to confirmed bookings to prevent discrimination (supposedly) why can they protect hosts by properly verifying who we are going to let into our houses? Dang this is soooooo frustrating...

1 Best Answer

Hello @Marco304 

Hosts can require guests to complete Airbnb's Verified ID process. To require Verified ID, you must first verify your own ID.


To set reservation requirements for every listing:

  1. Go to the Reservation Requirements page
  2. Check the box next to Require guests to go through verification
  3. Click Save Reservation Requirements

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21 Replies 21
Level 7
Keyport, NJ

I set it so that a booking requirement includes submitting ID. I don't have very strict booking rules, but yeah, I don't know who would let someone in their house without confirming their identity. I feel like it might also be possible for guests to cheat the system if they have an ID that's not theirs, so an ID and a matching social media account that has been reviewed to assess whether it's real or not might make it safer.

Level 4
El Paso, TX

We have auto booking and receive at least half of the inquires and booking without id even though we have it as a requirement. Once they are booked i have had to ask them to verify their Id. Somehow people are booking without verification. Not very comfortable about this.

Hi Sandra, I am a guest who would like to make a reservation with airbnb, and I definitely don't mind showing my ID in person at check in. But I feel very strongly about sending a copy of my DL on the internet, stored in the cloud, etc.  It seems like the world thinks we shouldn't be concerned with our security, having a copy of our license floating around for anyone to use the info and in the cloud.  Airbnb even says they "aim" to keep our information secure.  This is not towards you at all, in any way.  I just was reading your posts in the process of trying to make a reservation and wanted to relate to someone who has a rental and thoughts from this end.  Thank you for hearing me out. Good luck with your rental!

I guess we could always stay in a hotel, where they only ask for your form of payment, and I understand the security issue with the owners. It makes sense. And I suppose, since it's an airbnb, the owner isn't always there to see the renters in person... I just wish there was a way to just send our picture, so you could be sure it was us when we showed up?


Level 4
Yarmouth, ME

The Airbnb setting requiring ID does not work. I get completely blank profiles requesting to book frequently.

Level 4
El Paso, TX

Hi David, you are absolutely correct. Pretty new to hosting. It has been a learning experience. I first learned that requests were paid customers and the days are pending till you accept or decline. At first we used to send an approval and find out they had no id. Then it was like pulling teeth to get them to submit their id. Later i learned the difference between the request and the inquiry. So i called support. They said if i did not want to continue getting requests from unverified guests i would have to turn off instant booking. If you turn off instant booking you do not have the option to check the ID required to book. So instant booking it is. If an inquiry  came in i started checking for identification, knowing they were not blocking the calendar. I tell them, I’m happy to host you once you complete your profile confirmation with your id as required to book this space. Although my listing clearly states ID required many would ask why or claim they  have been many places in the world and never were asked for ID. They had reviews to prove such. I would decline inquiries stating does not meet house rules. From June - Sept i was only cohosting. So i finally thought i got the hang of how to re frase my response and did not approve or decline guests without ID letting them know this booking requires ID, once your profile is verified with your ID your reservation will be approved. This month i listed my property with instant booking and all my reservations are coming in request to book and it does not show on the map. I called support, only to be told that i had denied 2 request and 7 guests had canceled their reservation so until I stop declining i will get only request to book. Although those were for property i cohost. I am basically penalized. So far i have booked 13 guests on my property and all have had ID with previous stays, profile pics etc but my property is not visible on the map with instant book. I was told they were gonna monitor and after my 10th booking the listing would show. So bottom line ID required or not you will still get  unverified request on IB, be careful not to decline to many requests even if you say does not meet ID requirement. It is quite frustrating learning as you go but I’ve learned that IB or not you get unverified requests. You have to convince them to get it done. Most of those are new to Airbnb. Not just that  but some add their ID , book and then remove it. Seems like were in between a rock and a hard space. I hope Airbnb will fix that problem one day soon. It becomes quite time consuming. 

Level 4
El Paso, TX

@CatherinePowell @Claire475 , I now forget how I changed it back then but have ID verification requirement and ID required, it did change the amount of request to book but not the bookings.. Unfortunately guests without ID verification contine to get through and are placed on my  calendar. Now according to support staff  if I do not accept the booking within the 24 hours I will be penalized. They are not able to  remove the booking or notify them of the requirement. Due to pandemic and shortage of staff most of my calls to ask for help since guests do not respond to my request for them to add ID are not answered within 24 hours. Once they are on the calendar it becomes my responsibility to contact them. It then becomes a request to book Some do not respond to messaging and block the calander until I successfully convince them to withdraw the request add ID and rebook. Others remain on calander and block the day from being booked and with an incomplete reservation. On tha incomplete bookings you do not have the option to deny booking and you can not deny request without penalty. The system for instant booking has never been fixed and verification requirements allow them on your calander prior to verification. I suggest all should be required to complete their profile prior to allowing any blocking of calender and not penalized host for denying booking that does not meet the requirements.