Original AirBnB photos

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

Original AirBnB photos

I had an AirBnB photographer take pics of my place last year but at the time I didnt use them all for my listing.

Now I would like to add the others that I didnt add originally but I cant find them in my profile anywhere. Does AirBnB keep these on file anywhere?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm guessing they do as they reserve the right to use the photos for their advertisement etc. so would have to keep copies in order to access them, although how easy it is for them to re-release or how willing they are is another matter; contact them directly to find out, Twitter and Facebook are good options but if you click on the link it's give you a few options - Contact Airbnb

Best wishes, Ama

Level 4
Culver City, CA

Hi Jay,


If you delete photographer uploaded photos from your listing, then they are gone. You can however preserve the remaining photographer captured images by right click and saving to your laptop or tablet.


Airbnb keeps the photographer uploaded photos where you see them and can't provide deleted ones.