This month, Airbnb gave hosts a new way to update your listing's rooms and spaces that creates a bit more accuracy and transparency about the space itself, giving guests more details and enabling you to be more descriptive.
The first time you enter the new flow, we ask you to add the new information in a 3-step process. We’ve done our best to carry over your existing settings in the new flow so it’s less work for you. Importantly, none of the new, pre-populated information is live or saved to your listing profile until you hit “Save.”
Last week, we experienced a bug in Step 2 of the process where some homes marked as Entire places or Private rooms incorrectly had all the toggles for their rooms turned on by default to "Shared with others", when the toggles should have been set to “Private”.
This understandably caused some confusion, but rest assured that none of your settings were actually changed, and this information was NOT displayed to guests unless you hit “Save.”
We are in the process of fixing the bug and are currently updating the flow to make the steps a bit more clear. As always, we appreciate your partnership and thank you for hosting!
Thank you