Payout method failed - Montenegro

Level 1
Kotor, Montenegro

Payout method failed - Montenegro



I'm from Montenegro, and I have a trouble with old payout method, so I tried to put a new one - it gives me a denial saying "no permission".

Can anybody help me with the solution?

Awaiting for reply...

Thanks in advance.


Best regards,



14 Replies 14
Level 10
Rabat, Morocco

I had guests leave on the 15th June but had no payout in my PayPal yet, how long does it take?

Sorry 16th July 

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Deborah736 I see that you are a new host so it can take up to 30 days.

Level 2
BG, Serbia

I am not new and am having problems with payout in Montenegro as of this year. (Summer).

I don't understand why I was asked to delete my payout bank details when nothing has changed this year, to re-enter and then not be able to do so! The messagae I received was I do not have permission to do that!

So, I have been waiting for air bnb to solve this 'bug' as they say.

I contacted my bank to find out that I am not the only person with this problem as of January 2019.

Zdravo Vesna. I ja sam imala ovaj problem i rijesen mi je nakon 40 dana cekanja i prepiske. Negativno sam iznenadjena od strane Airbnb.. Morala sam za to vrijeme instalirati Payoneer, koji ima visoke provizije, to je bilo jedino resenje. Nadam se da ti je ovaj problem otklonjen! 

Vrtili su me u krug i molili da sacekam. Na desetine poziva uzaludno. Niko nije znao da mi da odgovor! Do 2019, sve funkcionisalo normalno!

Da, mislim da je Payoneer jedno resenje..

Level 2
PG, Montenegro

Hello everbody,


I am experiencing the exact same problems as was mentiond before by Vesna. 

As Airbnb is unable to help me out in any way, I am reaching out to the community.


Did anybody get their problem solved? If so, how?


THANK YOU in advance, I am in desperate need to find a solution.

Do you have Payoneer?

Are you a resident of Montenegro? 


I wish you luck, for nobody could help me, so disappointing…


Puno hvala za odgovor.

Jeste, zivim u Crnoj Gori. Do sad je sve bilo ok, od jednom je postao taj problem

Niko od Airbnb nam nece da pomogne.

Jeste Vi nasli resenje? Sa Payoneer ili? Sta mi treba da otvorim Payoneer i kakve su troskove?

Puno hvala unaprijed

Level 2
Sveti Stefan, Montenegro

isti problem imam , ne mogu da dodam payout metod, ako neko ima rjesenje, neka podijeli savjet, hvala!

Zdravo, ja imam problem sa isplatama . Nekoliko puta sam unosila podatke, i stalno me vraca na istu stranu, da li mi neko moze pomoci ?  Imam sredstva koja jos uvjek nijesu isplacena od strane AIRBNB-a, i takodje , da li neko zna kako se naplacuje boravisna taksa gostu ?



Level 2
Budva, Montenegro


Level 2
Budva, Montenegro

Pozdrav! Zanima me dal uopste mogu promjeniti payout metod da u crnoj gori dobojam isplatu sa airnbnb- na eurski racun?ranije znam da je moglo...u posl 2 god mi ga ne nudi kao opciju vec smao u dolarima