Hi Emiel,
The way you've put it made me think and it makes sense. I guess it kinda gives opportunity to new guests to secure their dates. I am still unsure though if this was there all along . Because in the past (early 2018), I have had instances where "reservation requests" did not automatically block the dates. I may be mistaken. But the point being, I can't find anything in writing on this on the Airbnb website.
The problem for me comes during peak seasons. For example, if you end up getting 5 reservation requests spaning 20 days, those 20 days are off the calender for 24 hours for guests that you may prefer to start with, like, guests that are elligible for your instant book. And I think you get hit with a penalty for your "Accepted reservations" percentage from Airbnb if you decline the request or let it expire. What a conundrum!
Thanks for the reply.