I'm trying to post a new listing. Every time I try to post it continues to load and pend my post. I've filled out every aspect of the listing, so I'm not sure why its not posting. I have one other listing that is not longer listed, not sure if that if affecting it?
Hi! I have noticed that sometimes it is difficult uploading photos or setting up unless you "save as you go" make sure you are not hitting the "back button" and instead are hitting the list space/save. Also I've learned that the desktop site is easier to manage listings. I myself prefer the mobile app. In all, it would take sometimes 2-3 times to get one listing done but it was easier as I learned to "slow down" and let each part load and save.
Asia did you ever figure out how to get your listing to post? I am having the same problem you had. I have one listing already and am trying to add a new listing but it only says that It will post in a minute. I went back and tried to go through and save all the parts again but I am having no luck. I have tried over 10 times to load this and it never works. This last time I have let it try loading for over 30 min.