I understand your concern and I have come across some guest without profile information. This is how I personally view it, I would be more concerned with how many/ nature of verifications the guest has. Although it's nice and advisable even, to have a profile, in reality anyone can write whatever they want on a profile i.e., I could say I'm a junior doctor, enjoy field trips, classical music etc. etc. (none of this is true) and you’d accept this but none of this information is actually verified.
I would suggest you look at their verifications, does the guest have any reviews, is the guest a host themselves, does the guest have a clear profile picture and then you can always ask them to tell you a bit about themselves and the purpose of their trip or any other questions to put your mind at ease.
Ultimately, if you still don't feel comfortable after a bit of communication between both of you then follow your instincts and decline the request.
Wish you all the best,