Price not increasing as per number of guests

Level 1
Kufri, India

Price not increasing as per number of guests



When someone books my cottages, for 1 person and 4 person price showing the same. As there is no option in search bar to choose the number of rooms, guest choose 4 guests and pay for 1 room. How can I manage that? Attached screenshot of my concern.


For 1 Guest price is 799 INR per night and total amount is 1804 INR.For 2 Guest price is 799 INR per night and total amount is 1804 INR.For 4 guests, again price showing same as for 1 guest.

Could you please look into this.

5 Replies 5
Host Advisory Board Alumni
Chiang Mai, Thailand

@Sunil35  For adjusts a price for an extra guest. Go to


you will see Standard fees and charges -> Edit -> Extra guests  and you can adjust price to charge For each guest after

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Sunil35  You need to set up a separate listing for each  of your cottages. You can't list them all in one listing- that will never work. In each listing, only show that particular cottage, unless they all look exactly the same. Then mention in each listing that you have 15 other cottages, in case larger groups want to book more than one of them. You could number or name each separate cottage. 

Then, if you want to charge by the number of guests in each cottage, follow @Nutth0's instructions. Or you could choose to just charge a set amount for each cottage, regardless of the number of guests in that cottage.

Thank you Sarah, Great help.



Sunil Saini

Just one small concern, in that case, when user search for property, will this gets separate property listing for each cottage or all by doing these changes, rooms will be added to the booking engine.

@Sunil35  They will all show up as separate listings in search, but all of them will appear on your profile. I'm honestly not sure how you can work this if for instance, there are 8 people travelling together and each of the cottages only sleeps 4, when they put 8 guests into the filter, your cottages wouldn't show up.

Maybe some other hosts who know will chime in here and give some ideas or knowledge on that.