@Nat73 The fact that someone paid doesn't give them the right to be disrespectful. What they paid for was accomodation, not the freedom to disrupt your life. I've never had a guest like ths, not even close, but I've read enough of these stories here on the forum.
Some hosts just stick it out, but I wouldn't. I'd sit her down and tell her that this isn't acceptable behavior in someone else's home. That she can either be respectful of the fact that she booked a shared home and act accordingly, or she can cancel the rest of her stay and she'll be refunded the unused nights.
If there's a language barrier, that makes it difficult, but you can always send a message instead and they can use an online translator.
Some people are decidedly odd, some have mental problems, some are socially inept or feel out of their element and shy. Any of those could have been the case with your guest.
And then, again, some are just not nice or respectful people, period.
I'm always sorry when I hear what some hosts have to deal with.
Please make sure to leave an honest review for this guest so other hosts are warned. Mention the late night/early morning banging around and the excessive showering. (I can almost guess what nationality this guest was, because it seems to be a cultural thing that's been reported here many times.) "Not suited to a shared home situation" is a pretty standard line to end with for guests like this.