I have two problems, I have a guest arriving today and staying for two days. First, he reserved only 6th of June, but then decided he would like to reserve 5th aswell. I got the reservation for the 6th right away, but never got the other reservation for the 5th June. He says he sent the reservation and that Airbnb took the money from his account. I will take him in today ofcourse, but there is nothing on my Profile yet about the reservation.
Other pair of guests is trying to change dates for a date and they said they managed o change it, but there is nothing on my profile yet aswell. Please take a look what is going on.
The other thing that I'm bothered with is that I have to get into the aplication for Airbnb to show me that I have new messages. I did not have that problem last summer when it showed me with numbers or on dashboard any new notifications that I've got.
Please let me know the solutions asap.
Thank you.
Kind regards,