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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hi there,
I am a new to Airbnb hosting (actually hosting in general), I am wondering - if i click 'Publish Listing' does this make my property live on the Airbnb website?
I feel like i may need to add more information, and don't feel quite ready to make it live yet - however i have answered all i can through the stepsof the setup process.
Thanks so much for your help!
Alyssa 🙂
Welcome to ABB hosting!
Yes, when you click "publish listing" it goes live.
What you could do is take one final look at all of the categories to be certain that everything is in order. Pay special attention to your listing price and any applicable discounts.
Once you publish your listing immediately CHECK YOUR PRICING AND DICOUNTS.
Then preview your listing. Next, go through each heading and category and subcategory and add/ change/ edit as required. You can always change details, pricing, photos, etc. at will.
You can also check out other listings to get a sense of what yo may want to include in your house policies and rules.
This forum has plenty of information and tips for hosts.
Wishing you the best of success!
Hi @Corliss2
Thank you so much for your reply, i really appreciate it!
I did click 'Publish' as i saw I could temporalily turn off - which has been wonderful, i have been able to add further information!
Thanks so much again for your help!
I'm very excited to start this Airbnb adventure!
Thanks again, Alyssa 🙂
Salute @Alyssa143,
Yes, it is going to make your listing live " Active".
I suggest, if it is possible, you can publish your listing and from time to time you could add the information you need.
Where do you find "Publish Listing?"
Hi @Miloud0
Thanks so much for your reply!
Yes I did click publish and have temporalily shut off the listing until I am happy and feel ready to go live!
Thanks so much for your help, i really appreciate it!
Alyssa 🙂
@Alyssa143 Also, if you haven't already done so, make sure to read through all the information for hosts on the Help section of the Airbnb site (not this forum). It's amazing how many people put up a listing, get their first bookings and guests and then post here on the forums, asking how and when they'll get paid, elemental things like that. Or have already been hosting for a year and have been under the mistaken impression that if they don't leave a review for a guest, the guest's review of the host won't be published.
And also, I suggest spending a bit of time reading through posts here on the community forum on a regular basis, it's amazing the things we can learn and share here. For instance, Airbnb constantly changes things in the platform with zero notification to hosts. But when a host finds out about a change by accident, they'll post it here, warning and informing other hosts.
Hi @Sarah977
That's amazing! Thanks so much! I will definately read through all the information as you suggested!
Yes i will make sure i read through the community forum on a regular basis! Any information at the moment is so helpful to me!
Thanks so much again for your help I really appreciate it!
Alyssa 🙂
@Alyssa143 Welcome to this adventure, which I've found to be extremely enjoyable. If you have a passion for making your guests happy and comfortable, and love to share your home, whether as a homeshare host or a remote host, you'll be a big success. I can tell just from your post and your replies that you're positive and generous, so I know you'll be excellent at this.
More than four years later, I'm still refining, rewriting, adding to, subtracting from, and hovering over my listings. It really gets under your skin! 🙂
Aww thanks so much @Ann72 that's so lovely of you to say!
I am very excited and loving the journey so far!
I am all for looking after my guests, and making sure they happy & feel comfortable! And I'm excited to share our home and town of Port Stephens!
I'm glad to hear you love the journey yourself - even after 4 years, that's amazing!
Do you mind if i ask you a seperate question? I'm trying to find where i can add additional fees - eg for porta-cot, high chair and beach towels. Could you please point me in the right direction, on where to go?
Thank you again so much for your kind words and advice, I really appreciate it Ann! 🙂
Alyssa 🙂
@Alyssa143 There isn't a place for those charges. As you've probably seen, under Listing -> Pricing -> Standard Fees and Charges, you'll see Other Standard Fees. These are limited to Resort, Management, Community, and Linens fees. For your beach towels, you could choose Linens, although there isn't a box where you could say that this fee is only for beach towels.
For the other things, you need to add them in your listing description as a separate line item. If people want to add them, they need to tell you they'd like to add them when they request to book. Then you would need to reply with a Special Offer adding those things in. The Special Offer will appear in the message thread with that guest in your inbox.
If the booking has been completed and then they want to add them, you would go to the message thread and choose "Change or Cancel" the reservation. Choose "Change" and add the fee to the total. Don't forget that the Airbnb service charge will increase when the total goes up. So if you charge $25 for something, Airbnb will take 75 cents.
Here's the Help article on sending a special offer: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/35/how-do-i-send-a-guest-a-special-offer?q=special%20offer
Perfect thank you @Ann72 !
Yes i did see those charges, but didn't want to add 'Linen charge' when it was a beach towel - so i think I'll add it the same way as I do with the ccot & highchair!
I have found another helpful link in the meantime under the heading: How to Charge Extra Fees for Services: A Community Help Guide
Thank you so much for your link & sending all your information as well! I understand now it can't be added on as an option when guests are booking in!
Alyssa 🙂
@Alyssa143 That's great you found Deb's guide. I was just going to add that the best way might be to request the charges through a resolution. That way Airbnb doesn't deduct a service fee.
Im new too. Would like to see if my listing got active yet