Qeries for canceled status

Level 1
Jakarta, Indonesia

Qeries for canceled status

Hi I,m Charles, our customer has made an order and right now the customer still use the house until April 28. The problem is the order status rigth was canceled. I'm we will never get the pagment  because canceled status.

Please make the layment will not refund to the customer.

 And also there is another cust making another order with the same because Airbnb not blockir th calender.

2 Replies 2
Level 1
Jakarta, Indonesia

Please make sure the payment will credit to my account.

 And change the oerder status still ongoing or active. A d please don't refund the money, becouse the order still ongoing use rigth now.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Charles598,


Good to meet you. 


I am sorry to hear about your payment. The best thing would be to speak with Airbnb's Support Team and then they can take a look at what is happening with your payment. Here is a useful Commmunity Guide on the different ways to reach the team. 


Let me know how you get on if you can. 




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