Hello @Monica414,
The financial arrangement for the accommodation is between the guest and Airbnb Payments, not the guest and the host.
The Airbnb receipt is a valid and full account of what the guest paid. Hotels don't have separately broken down fees on their receipts, they just have much higher rates as their way of charging for their running costs. Why is the guest happy not to be reimbursed by their employer for the full amount that they paid?
If you really do want to take this on you could ask the guest to see if their company will accept a note written by you showing your charges and giving your contact details.
You could go to the guest's reservation and click on "Print confirmation" and the the "Print" button to print that information. It still shows the Airbnb host fee but it's less than the Airbnb guest fee shown on the guest's receipt. Maybe that would be acceptable to the employer.
Depending on where the guest lives their financial transaction is with Airbnb Payments Inc, Airbnb Payments UK Ltd. etc.
So the receipt will have to show the total amount charged to the guest. This includes Airbnb guest fees, any currency exchange fees and any taxes.
Airbnb won't issue a receipt for just the host accommodation and cleaning charges as that wouldn't represent the total charged by Airbnb.