Recibo mi primer huesped

Level 1
Cazorla, Spain

Recibo mi primer huesped



Este fin de semana recibo mis primeros huespedes y estoy algo nerviosos.

Tengo dos dudas.

Primer, Cuando se me hace el ingreso del dinero?

Segundo, Si se diera el caso que me roben algo, que puedo hacer?

Un saludo y gracias



This weekend I get my first guests and I'm a little nervous.
I have two doubts.
First, When do I make money?
Second, If it were the case that something is stolen, what can I do?
Greetings and thank you

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi @Dävu0


The first couple of times can easily be nerve-wracking but in my experience its just normal to be a bit nervous and it will most probably go well with your first time. 
Payment is released 24 hrs after check in. Search the community pages for nice information and tips that you might have as a newbie. You are not the first host to host for the first time so have a look at the hosts page
If somebody steels from you you’d probably want to contact the police first and then ABB.
Good luck hosting.
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Dävu0,


You will get paid by Airbnb the day after the guests check in. It may then take a few days to appear in your account.

If you are hosting and aren't sure about these things you should read the articles in the help centre.

Especially, type "host" in the help centre and read the atricles. Also, very important, read about "cancellation".


If you are concerned about damage to things in your apartment you should think about adding a security deposit.

the guests are not charged this when they book but it makes it easier for you to claim later if they damage something.



If you do have a security deposit set here's how to claim
