
Level 1
London, United Kingdom


Hi, I've helped a friend set up his first listing on airbnb after making sure he was registered on my referrals list (I've sent him an invite a while ago). He's completed his first reservation but i haven't received any credit yet. Even weirder, when I tried to log out from my session and log him in, I was back on my account with his listing under my picture! Has airbnb somehow thought we were the same person? The listing are not appearing on my account anymore. I wanted to know if I could expect my credit or if he should register again. Thanks for your help.

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Cholula, Mexico

Hi @Oriane0:

Generally your bonus requires your referral to get a min. 100 USD reservation.

But i your case there must have been a strange glitch which might be related to your browser's cache memory playing hide-and-seek with you, because YOU build the site for your friend.... sems you haev not been completely logged out.

Other possibility. You accidentally noted him as a Co-Host, not as an independant new host.

As AirbnB does only accept referrals who have not been hosts before, I think he will not be able to account for the bonus anymore....



