I believe to meet the all criteria to apply for the Superhost Relief Fund.
Just a small detail:
At present i have only 1 active listing. BUT i have a bunch of deactivated listings. These listings are inactive since 11 months. Back then i was running a homestay villa, invested 24.000 usd but the investment was a bust. At the end i had to close down that place, lost all money and a lot of time.
Since then i keep those listings deactivated instead of deleting them because i don't want to loose the reviews. When you delete a listing permanently you will lose the reviews for that particular listing.
My current listing has an occupacy rate of 90% and it's my only source of income. Now i'm down to 0% and broke.
Vietnam has been hit really hard by the travel restrictions. We have plenty of guest from China and all inbound flights had been canceled at the very early stage of the outbreak in January 2020!
I'm urgently in demand for some financial relief and seriously concerned of being overlooked in the automated selection if algorithms misinterpreted my inactive listings.
Should i delete those inactive listings permanently?