Removal of a Review

Level 1
Purmerend, Netherlands

Removal of a Review

Dear Sir, Lady


Because I don not like any kind of conflict with  anyone, whatsoever the reasons or not reasons :

I politely and very friendly I want to ask you to remove from the site the review of Gianna…. , as well all corespondence because there are all reasons in the world to fulfill honorable my friendly but absolutely definite request !

This removal I am strongly demand as protest and mean to fully restore my honor and respect , my dignity and recognition of free exercise of my all rights and liberties  !

I hope you will remove all from the site and the case will be closed in advantage for us all three parts .

I do not like conflicts , mostly when are disingenuous and on purpose provoked one  by the guest !

I hope that airbnb could be  able and willingly to protect and promote my rights and interests as host !

Because the Gianna's  review it is  not less than a villain, grobian, irrational , suburban gesture of primitive revenge because I’ve told her in prive manner  ( not publicly)  the truth about my absolute discontent about her damaging presence and asocial behavior in my own house !

Please consider the following

Timing :

1) First of all please read what/when  I've wrote to her immediately she checked -out

2) Please read my answer to all her defamatory and shameful slander  untrue deliberate hurtful allegation !

NB! Please consider this :

I would like to tell you that it is your moral, ethical, deonthological and professional duty to take the time to read all very carefully what I've wrote on site and as answer to her publ

3) She never communicate with us ,( practically and arrogant she refused to do so!, because we are not worth to her superior  discriminatory royal  attention  )  even when she was politely asked to ask questions or to inform us about daily things as "when will be the arrival planned " and so on such neutral polite things !

From all those multiple reasons  I would ask you to pay full and extensive attention for the timing of my last day messages I’ve sent to her to make her attentive about her very bad behavior .

Publicly revenge it is the meaning of  her review  :

this is extreme rude and outermost AGGRESSIVE against us to discredit us without any reason , only with evident lies ! LIES!

This timing and refusal to communicate is the key  of the case and the reason of her publicly revenge which it is not less than  calumny, defamation and shameful slander  against my person and honest activity on airbnb ! 

Therefor you will see that I’ve sent to her my remarks, claims  and comment only one day prior she made the revenge review  , without to answer to me as it is requested by civilized behavior !

NB! My remarks, comments and claims     were sent to her personally, not publicly, because it was in the first instance one prive matter about  my absolute real, true  and obvious objective reason of discontent . 

 Every civilized person knows and behave politely  , because  such delicate sensitive  matters about one persons character shortages as she presented from the very beginning  , , everybody, with minimum common sens and education , knows that this people will try to be settled  only between the parts before it is going publicly or reported to the third instance.

That’s the usual and polite  way for civilized  people:   first of all to challenge, analyses, and discus  personally the issues only between them when  controversial  issues appears  ! 

Therefore please look to the timing:

First, after she left the house and an inventory was made,  I’ve sent my comments to her.

She never answered !

In place  to try to reach a mutual understanding and present simply her excuses  , which personally I was decided to accept and to avoid any form of conflict  before started ( read this in my comment from the day she left the house….., she didn’t react, responded  and presented in her review a absolutely distorted and full of lies not true situation.

This is the  worst possible  not to be qualified low rude  gesture:  she made it publicly , that mean the escalation of the conflict before it started .

Simply she ignore me as well the house rules and all instructions and advises she received by check-in , that situation lasts  from the very beginning after she booked the house and never responded, she was not even  polite to announce her arrival as it is mandatory for every educated and civilized person. We've sent several messages on the site to ask her when she will be there !

Her review it is only a matter of very low character revenge and she did it with that as a very premeditated shameful slander as well proceed to produce  a defamation in public.

She made only revolting , disgraceful fancy insane allegations and presented untrue never existed situation , that means she made on purpose only deliberate hurtful  declaration publicly  !

PUBLICLY : She insulted , aggressively offended an entire group( not only us)  of honest, hard working and very civilized  of Dutch population , my neighborhood compatriots with her DISCRIMINATORY,HATEFUL AND OFFENSIVE  DISRESPECTFUL ARROGANCE OF HER ITALIAN SUPERIORITY


Thank you !

Kind regards

Alexandru Semenciuc/Purmerend/the Netherlands  

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hi @Alexandru1

You've posted your message in another discussion thread with a different topic.

We are all hosts here, so unfortunately can't help you.

If you type 'Contact Airbnb' in the search box on the Community you'll find other posts containing all ways to contact Airbnb.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Alexandru1,


Welcome to the Community Center, it is nice to meet you. My name is Lizzie and I am the Online Community Manager here.


I just wanted to let you know that I have moved your post and replies to a seperate thread, as it will be easier for others to find your question this way, rather than as a response to a different topic. It is now in the Community Help board, in the CC. I hope this is fine with you. 


As it is a new thread, I have had to give it a new title, so I have changed it to 'Removal of a Review', please do let me know if you would prefer it to be something different and I am happy to change it. 


To add to @Andrea9 and @Serena1 responses, as the CC is for community discussion, it is not managed by any of the Support Team. Here is a useful overview of the CC for further details. I would recommend contacting the team directly and explaining this further to them. 


I wish you well. 






(Thanks @Andrea9 and @Serena1) 🙂


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Level 10
Vatican City, Vatican City



It seems to me that your guest Gianna explained the facts from his point of view .. if you do not like the review can answer, as you've already responded, but why bring up all your countrymen, where you see the injuries ?? and where is the arrogance of the Italian people ?? I see that you are not so precise having also canceled a reservation ...
However, you can make your grievances to Airbnb and not in the community
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