no payment received

Level 1
Thessaloniki, Greece

no payment received

So here is the thing i made a listing but i didnt put any bank account until later. Then i had a request from a woman with 2 kids which came yesterday and said they paid but i still havent recieved anything in my do i know if they really paid or not ?

2 Replies 2

If you have a confirmed reservation on your dashboard - they've been charged.  If they have your address, the reservation is legit.  If you want to know when you get paid, check your Transaction History. 


From the Help Center:

Level 1
Jamieson, Australia

I was notified of my payout on the 26 August, however the money still hasn't hit my bank 11 days later! I cannot find find a phone number of email address to contact someone at Air BnB, nor can I check the bank details I have provided to ensure its all correct. Has anybody else had a problem such as this? This is my first payment from Air Bnb.