We are super host. Our response time averages less than an hour. Our last request was from Jodi. The request was for 5 days with 4 adults. Thats all i got. Not varified and no reviews. I requested more info about the group. They did not respond and now AIRBNB has blocked the request because I didn’t “respond” to their request. Meaning I did not accept or decline. I need help on how to handle this type situation.
You must decline or accept a request within the time limit. If you want to communicate with the guest and the guest does not respond, then decline the request before it expires. Reason i choose: feeling uncomfortable with the guest.
What I do when guests don't respond (happens sometimes because they don't see the importance and may have booked elsewhere) is I send another message telling them I will decline, unless they get back to me ASAP as responses are timed to 24 hours. If I don't hear from them (usually they answer straight away) I decline, telling them to enquire again should they wish to do so for another 24 hour window.
I respond right away and explain why I need more information or why their request is not possible. Then, when they don't respond...which they never do...I accept them at the end of the 24hr window.. . The guest has always moved on by then. Accept the guest but deny their terms.