Requesting money via resolution center

Level 1
Batu Pahat, Malaysia

Requesting money via resolution center

I make a request for money using Resolution center, however my host said they can't proceed with the payment as my payment method is invalid. I didn't know what the problem with my account setting, thus anyone know what changes should I make?
Thank you.

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Sorry I am a little confused @Nurul-Bazlaa0  - are you asking for a refund from your host, rather than making one?


What is it for? If you are cancelling a listing than Airbnb processes the refund not the host.

Oh yup, I'm asking a refund from my host for Occupancy tax. However, they said that they can't send the money back as my payment method is not valid. 

Level 1
Batu Pahat, Malaysia

Issue has been resolved. Airbnb Support called and proceed with the refund from their end on behalf of the host.