Requesting money

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

Requesting money

Why can I we request or send money to our quests anymore ?


4 Replies 4

@Liz165, Hosts can still request or send money to guests.

What is happenening when you try to do so?


Level 1
England, United Kingdom

Hi Matthew,

i Air bnb a caravan on a park and the guests can only access the club facilities with a pass I have to pay for before the guests arrive . So I have been able to request the money from the guests before they arrive ..I tried to do the same for guests who are arriving in February to find I can only request money after they have paid which is 24hrs after they arrived which is too late !

is there any other way ?

@Liz165, I encountered the same thing myself, I think.

It seems that before the guest checks in, you can only modify a booking?

And after check in, then you can do what you are hoping to do: ask for a certain amount (separate from modifying the booking).

Is this different from what you are used to?

(The time I encountered the same issue has been the only time I have needed to deal with extra money.)

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

Thank you Matthew, I think I’ve cracked it ! Once the booking has been confirmed and if I go into the web site and not through the app I can go to the resolution centre and request / send money from the guest! 

I wish they would explain things better !!