Response rating unfair

Response rating unfair

Just because I do not respond to someone who states why they changed their mind not to book after inquring (which i responded to) my response time takes a hit. So are we required to respond to every non questioning message? One request took me over 10 hours to respond due to power outage caused another hit on response time. I do not book or communicate via cell phone.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

In theory, you have 24 hours to respond without taking a 'hit'.

Then the fact that someone messages they have changed their mind not to book, i am required to respond to this to prevent a hit on my response time.? Who has the time to carry on a conversation with a non renter to keep our response time @ 100%? Mine went from 100% to 97% with no response more than 10 hours, but yet, 2 un replied to messages that had no question or need to reply, like a Thank you for accepting their request to book. Does a thank you really require a response? Airbnb needs to relax on this.


Oftentimes, just to make sure, I simply make a dot and send the 'answer'.