Reverse accidental cancellation

Level 1
San Francisco, CA

Reverse accidental cancellation

I accidentally cancelled a reservation/booking and now I can't get the guest to re book my listing. It looks as if it's unavialable on their end and on my end it says that it will remain blocked to avoid future cancellations. Very frustrating! Any help appreciated. 

6 Replies 6
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Its one of the penalties for cancelling- contact Airbnb and see if they will open your calendar and reverse any other penalties too

Hi I did this too - I cancelled the reservation accidentally and now guests can't rebook for new dates.

The calendar allowed them to book past my available dates. 


Did you get a response from AirBnB @Alison155

Who did you contact? can I have their details? 


thank you so much

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

@Supriya2 all the ways of contacting Airbnb are listed in the CONTACT AIRBNB post towards the top of the forum you are posting in. I would suggest you give them a call.

Also read up on host cancellations in the Airbnb Help Centre

@Helen3 Unsure why I don't see CONTACT AIRBNB on my PAge. But yes I have made a mistake and need to read up on how to fix this. 

Its all just so time consuming.

Yes, I did end up getting ahold of Airbnb but it was such a pain I can't remember how! They called the person I accidentally cancelled on to confirm them and then the booking was complete. Use the desktop version versus the app and keep searching for a support alias. Good luck! 

Level 1
West Kelowna, Canada

I've done the same thing & would like help as well.