BEWARE ITS NOT ACTUALLY 14 CALENDAR DAYS. at any point ON the 14th day the review period can and will shut down and be gone forever to never be reopened (even though there was user support ability and functionality for that back in the past).
i don't normally wait that long, though i understand how other people need more time, but the one time i did, on purpose, it disabled review ability at some point BEFORE THE END of the 14th day.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RECOGNIZE THAT ITS REALLY ONLY 13 DAYS CAUSE AT ANY MINUTE, SECOND, HOUR THAT REVIEW IS GOING TO CLOSE BEFORE THE END OF THE 14TH CALENDAR DAY. i thought maybe it was at the exact time noted in the checkout. i was told it could have been anywhere from 8am to 12pm and then i was told, by the EXACT same person, that it might even go on UTC time in which case i would have been Fd no matter what.
i could not get a straight answer from "support" who acts like they want to help but when push comes to shove, they have such limited ability to receify a sitation, which makes all the customer service orientation garble even more condescending.
when i pointed out the help page article no one could explain why it is documented in a way that makes you THINK you have till the end of the checkout calendar day. YOU DO NOT
no one could tell me when it shut down. i guess its just some magical nebulous act of "god"
when i asked for them to query the development team, technical specs functional specs, and get back to me as to when the business rules has that shut down, i was deferred and sidetracked. the answer is no: we don't know and we're not going to find out. we're perfectly happy with the way the help page content is worded.
i do IT/systems specs debugging test scripts UAT roll outs training content user aids and documentation for a living. what happend today and in the call??...its just wrong.