Level 2
Arlington, TX


Stopping the Arlington Zoning Ban in the Courts

Thank you for your support of the START Movement and the pursuit of reasonable short term rental regulations for Arlington. We have now officially launched our fundraising campaign to file suit against this illegal ordinance and we really need your support by contributing to the START Movement Stop the Bans Legal Fund at

On April 23rd, 2019 the City of Arlington passed a zoning ban to eliminate over 90% of all short term rentals in the city, and has set unreasonable regulations on the few dozen short term rentals that will remain. We have given the City of Arlington every opportunity to work with us and they have instead chosen to side with the hysteria of the anti-STR groups and passed the Zoning Ban.

Our recourse at this point is to file suit on this unconstitutional zoning ban, and to be successful we need to raise a significant amount of money to retain legal representation. This is where we need your help. Please contribute to the Stop the Bans Legal Fund at and help us get this ball rolling.

Our intention is to get an injunction in place before the ordinance even takes effect on August 1st and thereby prevent the city from issuing permits or enforcing any part of the ordinance. Please consider the amount of personal income you will lose if the Arlington Zoning Ban stands as you decide how much you are able and willing to contribute to this cause. And for those inside the “STR Zone” keep in mind that without an injunction you will still be out $500 just to apply for a permit. That is several times more than what most other cities charge! Please help today by contributing at

Please email us at if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

START Movement, Inc.

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