Dear Miriam,
You literally made me gasp when I read what you went through. And I agree wholeheartedly that Airbnb needs to be responsible/accountable.
Here's an idea that might help.
SUGGESTION 1 - Pricing
Please, please look at your pricing relative to the competition. When I get a stream of losers making queries, I know that there is something wrong.
SUGGESTION 2 - Reward the people who are good to you
This weekend I am putting together a ...justMandi's VIP Guest event to send to my favorites. I will reach out to my favorite 5 star guests - my VIP's - and wish them a happy holiday.
Then I will mention that I'd love to see them again, and offer them a VIP special in 2018; specifically,
. Priority booking at their favorite suite or my best available suite (if you don't have multiples, offer "priority booking") on the dates of their choice. (Mention that these dates go fast, so early booking is strongly recommended)
. No increase in 2018 rates!
. If they recommend a friend or family, and these people turn out to be a 5 star stay, they get $X off their own next stay up to $x x Y dollars off - hey, that's a great incentive, and a lot of business.
. Personalize it by mentioning a particular thing they seemed to enjoy.
Hope this works for you!