Service Fee Refund For Cancellation

Level 1
Chattanooga, TN

Service Fee Refund For Cancellation

Hi there, I had to cancel two separate Airbnb bookings (I was the guest) because my plans changed. Both were "flexible" cancellation policies and stated explicitly on their listing that you would recieve full refunds, including service fees, if cancelled in time (I cancelled several weeks in advance, so I know I should recieve the refund). I knew my plans might change, so I was careful to book places with these cancellation policies.


After cancelling, Airbnb refunded me one service fee, but not the other one's fee. I have looked and looked all over the help center (which is abyssmally byzantine and frustrating) but can't find any reason that they would not refund the second one. I know they cap it at three cancellations, but these two are my only cancellations so far. Of course, I also can't find any way to connect with Airbnb to ask what is going on. Anyone have advice for either getting in touch with Airbnb or perhaps a reason they didn't refund my service fee? 



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Crozet, VA

Contact @Airbnbhelp on Twitter. I've used this method to contact Airbnb on a delayed payout (as a host) and the problem was resolved in about 24 hours. 

Level 10
Athens, Greece