I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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This service fee business is doing my head in. I read the information supplied and it doesn't really help me understand what's going on.
So I went into my listing pressed preview listing and put some fake dates in. The service fee read $36.89 for 2 nights. This got me curious so I went into search as a guest and clicked on my own listing, did the same dates and it read $63.86 for the service fee. Well that really disturbed me. I then looked at other listings in my area that were similar to my listing, put the same dates in and the service fee was nearly half that
I contacted airbnb and asked them to explain and they said it was a sliding fee, what ever that means. But the upshot was, he couldn't explain.
Can anyone shed light on this for me please. It's very confusing indeed
Hi, @Hellen8 . I just went to your listing and a two-night stay has a $30 CAD (approx $33 AUD) service fee showing.
Still confusing that you are seeing the higher rate, but hopefully whatever was causing it is gone?
When you did your as-a-guest search, were you still in Australian dollars? It's all can think of, other than that sliding (super slidy!) scale...
@Hellen8 I just had a similar experience, altho I wasn't looking at the service fes, just checking if my listing was appearing. When I found it, it had a nightly rate of about 15 times what I charge. I freaked, then realized that because I was searching incognito, it was picking up my IP address here in Mexico, rather than the price in Can.dollars I see when previewing my listing, so the price was showing in Mexican pesos.As Lawrene said, make sure to check the currency.
as far as I know Airbnb guest fee is around 15% of your nightly fee. Guests don't pay service fee on top of your cleaning fee.
Hey Branka and Silvia, Yep that's about right, but as I said when adding more days the fee increases? Have a check on yours, first putting 2 days then add a couple more days and see the fee jump.
Thanks for the calculations.
@Hellen8 If you add more days, of course the amount of the service fee will be higher- it's a percentage of the total. Are you saying the service fee percentage changes when you add more days, or the service fee amount?
Yes, the service fee gets higher (on my listing anyway) when I increase the days. As well as, there is a cleaning fee.
Something real weird going on since I have been talking about this. I now can't get into my normal preview of my listing. It's showing a totally different look that doesn't show the dates and costing. Just a base rate?? I thought it was doing my head in before.... should have kept my mouth shut
@Hellen8thanks so much for this explanation , i am a newbie on airbnb , i learn so much every day from all conversations , about guests , cancellation, hosts experiences ect...
@Hellen8 Unfortunately, the cleaning fee is included on what guests pay service charges/fees on. From Airbnb:
''This fee is typically under 13% of the booking subtotal (the nightly rate plus cleaning fee and additional guest fee, if applicable, but excluding Airbnb fees and taxes). The fee varies based on a variety of booking factors and is displayed to guests during checkout before they book a reservation.''
I have a rant about this below 🙂
Hey Lawrene, Yes, very slidy indeed. So yes it was AUD however I went in a few moments again to double check and the service fee was lower. I played around with it a little and could see the more days I put in the higher the service fee, the less days the less service fee. Go figure?? It's a little rich I think. I would have thought if someone stays longer it should be a bonus. But no, they get charged more by airbnb as the days mount up. I can't see it does anyone any favours. Except airbnb.
Thanks for your input
Oh, I see. No, @Hellen8 , as the others have said, it is not a flat rate. The more days you put in, the higher it goes. It is a percentage of the total. So all is well.
The only way you can create a "bonus" for someone staying longer is to charge a cleaning fee. That is a one-time fee, and rewards longer stays.
I don't do it myself, but it is a strategy that works for many hosts.
Yes, I understand the more days will total up to be more, but why would the actual rate change? On top of the cleaning fee? Surely the rate should stay the same?
The service fee. All good now. Thanks so much all who offered understanding. I understand how it works now. I guess I felt the system a little wrong considering guests who stay longer are a bonus for us. But yes there are definitely ways I can show appreciation through the different suggestions & or personally on their stay.
It's a great advantage having the community to talk to.
All the best to you all from me. Happy festive season