Setting my pricing


Setting my pricing

Hi I am new and very frustrated at how difficult it is to set specific pricing.


My pricing is higher than the smart price but doesnt move up or down to follow a trend set by smart price changes.  I cant alter a single price and it has not taken my weekend price.


I would like to set my prices but I cant and I dont want my calendar to be fixed at a base price for all the time as seasonal events are not adjusted for.  I also dont want the offer discount to run every month.


I am sure there are solutions but I am finding the help option not much help as when I follow it it simply doesnt work.


Is there a chat section to get direct help please as the 24/7 help for which clients pay is not available to us it seems...or I just havent found it yet.  I really want this to work so I will be so grateful for the help I can have to resolve these issues.  


I have already got 2 bookings and only went live yesterday so the price settings are not putting people off.  I have a special location and dont want to lose the right pricing flows.

Thank you for your help.


Top Answer
Level 10
New York, NY
2 Replies 2
Level 10
New York, NY

Thank you Ann